Ladies' Aid Society

Auxiliary originated in 1862 when 24 women organized a bazaar, raising 20% of the needed $20,000 for the purchase of a dwelling for the first German Hospital, the foundation of Lankenau Medical Center. The society of women provided various volunteer services, including the making of linens.

Nurses' Alumni Association

Auxiliary represents over 3,300 graduates who attended the Lankenau School of Nursing from 1899 to 1992, built on the Lutheran Deaconesses’ legacy driving nursing education and nursing excellence through the years.

John B. Deaver

Auxiliary since its inception in 1934, has contributed volunteer services through the making of bandages in the early years. The Deaver members expanded their efforts to include creative fund raising for the German Hospital, Lankenau Hospital, and presently the Lankenau Medical Center as well as the Lankenau Institute for Medical Research.

Hamper Shop

Auxiliary coordinates and supports efforts at raising money through a consignment and thrift shop located in Narberth. raising funds to benefit the patient experience at Lankenau Medical Center.

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