The Bryn Mawr Podiatric Residency program uses several educational methods.
Didactic lectures
The Bryn Mawr podiatric residency experience contains formal lecture instruction, holding the information backgrounds and concepts consistent with the goals of the residency and the rotational experience acquired during the resident's performance. Our program uses an online lecture series provided by ePresent, that includes weekly lectures for review. This website also serves as a professional resource on various topics for all residents and attendings.
The lecture faculty consists of active attendings of the Main Line Health System as well as guest lecturers.
Morning patient rounds
Attendees are the senior resident, second and first year residents on service, as well as the attending physician, when available, for discussion of patient conditions and treatment courses.
Weekly conference
Weekly conferences will be held for the purpose of furthering the educational activities of the residents. These will be attended by one of the podiatric attendings and/or online lecturer as well as the residents on service. Topics will be chosen weekly that are pertinent to the current activities of the residents, either surgical or medical.
Journal Club
The Journal Club is intended to provide the resident with current knowledge of important developmental articles written in recognized journals. The content of each article is to be consistent with the aims and purposes of the podiatric surgeon's care. The Journal Club will be held monthly and all residents participate. Each resident should read the article provided before the Journal Club meets. Each session is moderated by the director or a member of the attending podiatric staff.
Workshops shall consist of cadaveric laboratory instruction in the practical application of operative techniques. Dedicated monthly session in the simulation lab will include suture and saw bones workshops, and other teaching opportunities.
All residents are financially supported and encouraged to attend applicable conferences/seminars of post-graduate education. Conferences/seminars must be fully attended by the resident. Upon return to the hospital, the resident will give a review of the content provided during the seminar or symposium.
Resident teaching
It is well recognized that teaching itself is a learning experience. Residents are encouraged to teach to the level of their development in knowledge and skill, especially PGY-3 residents, who are available to the PGY-1 and PGY-2 residents during the ongoing course of the program. Additionally, the PGY-1 residents participate actively in teaching students/externs who are visiting the hospital as part of an approved program.